Sunday, March 30, 2014

Yes, I Missed the Giveaway Deadline!

Just one of those weekends!  Don't we all have them?  But I promised a winner if you placed the Drawstrings button on your sidebar.

And the winner is:     Chrisknits!!!!!

Email me to work out the fabrics you would like!

Thank you all for supporting this new beginning for me.  Aren't knitters just the best?


  1. congrats, chrisknits!!! you are going to LOVE LOVE LOVE this bag!!!

  2. OMG!!!! I was getting ready to order a bag!! OK, I love the gold, gray, and black fabrics you showed the other day. And now I can place an order for one of the fuchsia combos you teased at! Thank you!!!! Off to email you.

  3. Congratulations Chrisknits! I agree, you will love your bag!!! :)
