Monday, May 5, 2014

Four Days a Week

I talk about my days with grandchildren a lot, but I have never really chronicled a day with them.  Granted, it would be impossible to snap a picture for every moment or every event, but I tried to capture big parts of the day.
Four days a week ( since this time last year minus the summer months) I have driven 30 minutes south to my oldest daughter's house.  It is an early 5:15 am rise. I feel each day like I bring my life with me.  Projects to get finished, fabric to cut.

 Part of this time I also had my second daughter's children on various days, but now it is just these three.  Two day a week Lilah goes to preschool and today was one of those days.  So you really only see the two younger until we pick up from school at the end of the day.

The one thing I try to do is the children's laundry.  It isn't that hard, I love clean clothes, and I know it is a big help to my daugher.  So twice a week I run those enormous machines.  But those stairs!  Oh those stairs.  I fold the laundry and leave it on the piano. Otherwise, I am up and down those stairs all day. And Milo follows me everywhere!  Sweet puppy.

Elizabeth, my oldest, is a Landscape Architect.  After just a few years practicing, she knew she wasn't cut out for the corporate world and studied for her Teacher Certification in Art.  She is a fabulous artist and you see glimpses of it all over the house.  Over the fireplace, in the breakfast room, older pieces from her childhood.  And the front door.  Love that blue.  The hallway is her design and construction.  Board and Batten like my hallway except she did this all herself.  Start to finsh. She is a knitter as well.  With only 4 years experience, she puts me to shame.  And those cute frames? Those are the ribbon ends of burp cloths that were made for the girls ( by me) when they were born.  The cloths are worn out, but she saved the ribbon ends and framed them togther.  Cute. Idea.

I never thought at this point in my life I would have carseats back in my car, but here they are.. Three.  All across the back.

Lilah comes home in the afternoon and the day changes with three.  But it is only a short while until my daughter arrives home. Then I begin that drive back home.

I love this time with the children.  Building wonderful memories forever.  But I am not young.  And I have developed this back injury from picking up the little ones.  I only have a few more weeks until summer break and then in the fall I will only be able to keep them one or two days a week.  The number of days may change, but we will still make memories. One .Day. At. a Time.


  1. Such important work. Your grandchildren are very blessed. The children are beautiful.

  2. That is a huge gift you give. My mother watched my oldest son full time from three months to a year. Then I quit working because I wanted something else for her (not nine hours a day with a baby) and I couldn't choose day care (wouldn't). But it was a huge gift to know my baby was with the person who loved him as much as I did.

    PS I'm glad to hear those steps are daunting for you. (Not that I'm glad they are) My laundry is in the basement and we have a two story house. Making those two trips (and down is often just as painful, if not more, than up) with a basket of laundry is too, too much. I need a ranch home with 1st floor laundry. Dontcha think? ;-)

    1. What is funny is that all my life I have wanted a 2 story house. In my younger days it would have been wonderful! But now, you are right, going up and down those stairs withi Heaney loads is an accident waiting to happen.
      We have always had a ranch home and I am grateful!

  3. beautiful pictures! I am worried about you back my friend and that doing laundry for your daughter, which I am sure is a big help, may be making things worse for you; that too is a lot of lift and carry. God help you in this time! I know how much you want to be of help to your family!!!

    1. The laundry is actually very light being just children clothes, but picking up those little ones is a different story!

  4. You are such a wonderful Grandma! Your dedication and love of your children and their children is amazing - I just love you for your beautiful heart!
