Saturday, June 7, 2014

I'm posting from my iPad this morning and as much as I want to include a picture, you just can't from this device when blogging.  Boy, if Apple would solve that issue for me I would have little use for my laptop.

But, anyway, Aunt Leila is hosting a giveaway today.  You see, I just love her book, The Little Oratory.  This is one book every Catholic family should have.  And not a book to be placed on a shelf, but out in view to be used!

So I had this idea to design a Drawstrings bag just to fit the book.  You know the book is almost a square in size, so it needed its own little bag.  I found a lovely vintage linen and sewed until it was perfect.  You can see the bag over at Like Mother Like Daughter today!

There is a coupon code and a discount code as well!

See you back on Monday!!


  1. It's actually possible to get the photos to your ipad (email them to yourself from your computer and from your pad, retrieve them from the email, and save the images to your photos), however, I can't get blogger to upload the pictures to a blog post. :-(

  2. Yes. It the problem I have is then they go away after you post them. And being able to edit semis to be difficult. I am about to up grade my iPad and hoping that the new one does this better?

  3. your business seems to be going gangbusters!!!! I'm so happy for you!!!!

  4. Blogger has an app that allows us to take/upload pics and write a blog post...I have it on my iphone. I would think it's available for the ipad.
