:: Family
We had a birthday over the weekend. Lilah Grace turned four. Our oldest granddaughter. Time moves on doesn't it? But, it is always a blessed time when I can gather as many as possible in my family. Caitlin seems to be somewhat settled in Montana. She does not like the job and wants to quit and take this opportunity to write. That has always been her passion. But of course the mother worries about health insurance. You see, I may not have ever said this here, but Caitlin has Crohn's disease. Twelve years now. And even though she has gone from horribly ill at diagnosis to wonderfully well right now, I want her to have protection just in case. So she has promised this mamma that she will find insurance. We are always hens are we not?
:: Catholic Faith
I have begun in earnest using the Divine Office App on my phone and ipad. Those four morning a week that I am in the car with the sun rising, I play it and pray. If I can steel a few moments during the day I will play another. I love that I know the Church is praying with me. We are continuing to seek a permanent parish. Why is it that we need to do that.? We should be confident that what we hear each week from the ambo is true and in line with our faith. But often it is not and that saddens me. Not because it confuses me, but because those that are not scholars in the faith will be led astray. Lord, help us!
:: Scripture/Prayer
My bible is turned to Acts. but I have not settled to read much this week. Oh when Monday arrives all will change.
The blanket is finished! Blocked, ends woven in and off the table. You will see it tomorrow on Yarn Along. And just in time the new yarn arrived yesterday. I have two more blankets to do in three months. I went ahead and chose worsted yarn so the knitting would go faster. It seemed like this last blanket took forever, but when I looked back at Ravelry, it only had the start date as April 4 and I ended May 31. Maybe it was just my frustration that made it seem so long! But these next two are both the same pattern, but with variation so I don't get bored.
:: Drawstrings
This little business is growing. There has been a lot of visibility and talk. Orders are steady and I even have one customer in the UK who orders regularly. Believe that! I am going to revamp my business cards this week. The Etsy seller who prints my labels for me messaged me that she was almost out of the fabric. Apparently those little labels are vintage fabric, so if you have a bag right now you have something really special. I was able to find a new fabric that was close and mailed it all to her to keep. She said the match was very close. Yeah Me!
Mr. Golfer spent this past weekend weeding for me. This man hates gardening, so the effort was truly an act of love. This back and leg keep me from bending and the sewing really has me in its grips as long as I am taking care of grandchildren. But Monday you will find me out there early each morning!
:: Home
I sit in my rocker in the morning and after prayer my sight drifts around the rooms. I have some painting planned soon. Mr. Golfer will go on his annual golf trip in a few weeks and that is when I try to make big changes. He doesn't like to paint either :)))
These next three day are my last to keep grandchildren on a permanent basis. I love these little souls, but school will be out for mother and father and my back will finally get some attention. Bless all of you as you go about your day. May God's peace be with you.
I love these blog post entries you are doing; you really have a good 'groove' and way in this. that would be so troubling to have churches that you don't feel are sticking to the true traditions .... :(... Your grandchildren are so sweet; so glad you were able to love them during this time of their lives!! God willing my 6 year old niece is coming for a visit soon and I am so excited to do things with her! Mr. Husband and I are planning away!!! :)