Sunday, December 14, 2014

Here Comes Santa Claus.......

This was the first year to get to join in with the grandchildren and Santa.  Our daughter Julia's neighborhood hires a Santa each year to visit the children. We all gatherd about 30 minutes before his arrival to make sure the children don't see his entrance. The neighbor hosting had light food and beverages for the adults and we really enjoyed meeting new friends.

Santa arrived with a jingle of bells and the children came running!  I am amazed at the resemblance of the man to his role.  His beard was real but accented with a longer one.  He had a deep but gentle voice and the children responded very well.  They were excited to sit on his lap and give him their wish.  There was time for families to gather for pictures as well.

Patrick was very anxious to participate and it was so fun to watch his face.  Evelyn was very confident as well.  She voiced her wishes very straightforward for a 3 year old.  Lilah was shy and reluctant. That didn't surprise me. She has a timid side.  But Rachel!  Oh my!  The classic crying with Santa picture.

Each parent had brought a wrapped book for their child and they had been placed in Santa's bag before he entered.  The children's eyes lit up when there gift was pulled from the bag with their name on it.

I'm so thankful to have had this day.  Another part of " this is my Advent":))))


  1. A santa for the neighborhood sounds like fun. Neither of my two were happy with Santa (think of a hysterically crying child) so how nice that most of the children are happy!
