Tuesday, December 2, 2014

St. Andrew Novena

This is the first year I have prayed The St. Andrew Christmas Novena. It is a beautiful prayer, different from others in the Church.  When we pray novenas we are asking for God to intervene in a situation where we believe help is needed.  Almost always it involves someone close to us or a situation important to us.  And God, in his mercy, will always answer.  Sometimes those answers are subtle and sometimes they are grand!  But He is always there.

The St. Andrew Novena differs in that there is an opportunity to beg mercy for yourself.  An opportunity to ask God for a favor just for you.  The prayer is said 15 times a day.  All at once or broken into chunks, it becomes a comfort during the routine of the day.

When I think of that " piercing cold" my heart shivers.  When I think of asking God for something for me my heart questions.  But when when I think of God's mercy my heart softens.

The Church gives us such beautiful opportunities to meet God.  It knew we would struggle.  It knew we would turn away.  It knew we would succumb to the world.  But It also knew we would respond.

Won't you join me this Advent?  Elizabeth Foss at In the Heart of My Home has provided this beautiful printable.  Mine is framed in my kitchen window where I spend so much time.  It is easy to say morning and night while making my coffee or cleaning up from a meal.  Join me?


  1. Beautifully said Wanda. Thank you for sharing. I had not heard of this novena before. It's now in my office where I spend most of my day! Yes, I will join you. Peace!

  2. This touched my heart. Yes I will join you.
