Friday, June 7, 2013

Friday! Made it!

I really wasn't sure if I would get to Friday.  I am still not feeling great, but I think I will live!

I have been plugging away on these 28 rounds of garter stitch.  In the round that is actually 56 rows!

If this yarn wasn't so scrumptious, I may have given up. Now the increases begin and the end is in sight!

I walked around the garden yesterday evening and discovered that the hollyhock I thought had been dug up by critters was actually still there.  No only there but..

up and healthy!  This one is yellow.  Lesson learned though I must be very careful with the seeds.  These are prolific when the millions of seeds from each plant get caught in the wind.

The Madevilla is really in full bloom. It climbs up the left side of the trellis.  Since it is just an annual here, I thought I would give it free reign.  The other side has the white Autumn Clematis that just runs rampant.  Now that I have thinned it all out and replaced the trellis, I plan to keep it under better control.

The coneflower season is in full bloom.  I try to tame them, but it is a losing battle!

I leave you with a look down the main garden path.

Enjoy your weekend and link up on Monday with us for Week Ending!


  1. The purple cone flowers are beautiful! I hope to participate in weekending on Monday. Last weekend hubby was sick and I didn't have any pics to show.

  2. Wanda, The colors in your knitting project are so so pretty!
    Our area is weeks behind yours in our flowering plantings. Your cone flowers are just gorgeous!! Ours still aren't in bloom yet. We are expecting TONS of heavy rain tonight as a tropical storm will be moving into the area. Flood warnings are issued. :(
    Your garden path is so enchanting! :) Thanks for sharing.

    1. Hi Janice! I saw on the weather report that the storm was heading your way. Take cover my friend. When your blooms start appearing, ,one will be withering. :(

  3. beautiful flowers! Knitting is a joy, esp. when nearing the finish line :) Blessed weekend ~ hope you continue to heal from the illness!
