Every Thursday, here at Like Mother, Like Daughter!
Linking up this 4th of July with Like Mother Like Daughter!
In 2002, we visited some dear friends who had just returned to Texas after years in Alabama. My friend loves to play in the garden as I do and she sent me home with the bulb of a Candy Lily. It has been in my garden since then, but never bloomed. This morning on my walk through the garden I just happened to be looking for day lily seeds and this white caught my eye! Glorious! I immediately snapped a picture and sent it off to my friend.
I know these pictures are not clear. That's because you can't keep this little one still! She is always on the move. At 8 months, she is crawling full speed and is now pulling up to a standing position. When awake, I truly must follow here around constantly. She is everywhere!
We went to the mall this week to pick up some cosmetics at Macy's. I rarely go to the mall and have never taken Patrick. His eye zeroed in on the cars! I had to let him have a few minutes of being a race car driver!
It's a good think Mr. Golfer doesn't read my blog. The granddaughters were here over the weekend and were having a time letting plastic balls bounce on the wood floor. But they kept rolling under the furniture. The search committee ensued!
{ Real}
I have been alluding to changes going on here for some time. I didn't feel free to post until all the children were up to date with the situation since it affected them as well. Now that they have all been informed, I feel I can share. Last year I was involuntarily retired from the Catholic School I taught in. It was not a happy time. Insurance was the reason I had always worked. With a husband who is self employed, insurance is a big deal, especially as we had a daughter with a chronic illness. So being treated with justice ( sarcasm) by our diocese, I all of a sudden had no job and soon to be without insurance. Mr. Golfer and I scrambled around and were able to piece together policies for both of us, although not with the same company. I have had Fibromyalgia for almost 27 years and one of the medications I take kept me from being accepted by these individual policies. So I had to sign up for the Texas High Risk Pool. This is not bad insurance. I have not had any issues with being covered or seeing my doctors. But,.... I have been notified that as of Oct 1 this policy will convert to "Obamacare" and I will loose coverage for some of the medications I take and my premiums will almost triple. So, the decision has been made for me to try to seek employment again. This means that I will not be keeping the grandchildren which has been a joy for me this last year! They are just the light of my life! It also means that my 2 oldest daughters will need to find nannies for the little ones. The daughters both work and being home right now is not an option for them. I hate that.
On the other hand, trying to find a job 25 days away from being 5_ years old is proving difficult. We live in a culture that does not value any longer the wisdom of age, and many companies are no longer hiring workers full time because they do not want to pay for insurance.
I do not know what the outcome will be, but I ask for your prayers.
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wow, that flower is beautiful! So sorry about the struggle with health insurance, etc. Lord have mercy! I have added you to our prayer list for those needing employment.
ReplyDeleteThank you!
DeleteI love all your photos and will continue to pray about all you've shared, especially with regards to insurance!
ReplyDeleteThank you! We can talk about it in a couple of weeks!
ReplyDeleteThank you!
DeleteA falling out between my hubby and father in law three years ago left me without a job and on cobra insurance. Scrambled around this spring for a policy for th e two of us and one kid was not easy or cheap. Now I'm having some joint issues and just not in the mood to sort it all out. Good luck. I'm also over 50 and people love me as a part-timer but I could increase hours but still no health insurance. No thanks yet
ReplyDeleteI hope you are able to work it out. Being over 50 is now a liability!