The days have been full. Children and grandchildren. When we planned the lst wedding I wasn't filling both of those rolls. Oh how different this time is!
This past week I drove on a field trip for my grandson. The trip was to a farm and pumpkin patch. He and I had a great time, but the temps here were still warm and the heat just zapped both of us. He loved petting the animals and almost was brave enough to try to milk a cow, but in the end didn't. It's ok. Not a life skill he will miss. :)
All the vendors for the wedding are now in place and planning the engagement party is underway. These last two vendors are new to us, the photographer/videographer and florist. My daughter just clicked with them and I think she chose well.
In these next few weeks we will be searching out bridesmaid dresses. My daughter that lives out of state will be home for Christmas and we need that time to make choices. So having a plan to maximize that short time she is here is essential. Then we will celebrate the engagement with a super party!!
There is some news on the Drawstrings front and I will be posting that in the next couple of weeks! I think you will like it!
BTW...every grandmother should be a Ninja Turtle:))

joy abounds!!!!! I'm rather envious....when I used to keep our local grandsons one our favorite games was playing ninja turtles-----but we only had little action figures I found at a thrift stone to base our play on (most kids their age had never heard of ninja turtles); we all had different colored bandanas we tied around our heads and we played in the scary cellar. The boys made me wear the pink one. I called myself O'Keefe. They didn't get it.