Monday, February 2, 2015


Last week was crazy.  Death, sadness, and wedding planning should not share a week. Mr. Golfer had a pretty busy and stressful week at the office so by the time Friday night came we enjoyed our normal dinner out with our good friends and then hunkered down all weekend.  I only left the house for Mass.

It has been a while since there were grandchildren pictures here.  This afternoon after picking up both Patrick and Rachel and completing homework, we settled down to have a tea party and then shoot trucks.  Those don't seem to go together, but somehow we even did them on the same table with no arguments!

These two are just precious.  


  1. Such sweet pictures. Hope this is a better week.

  2. wow, last week was a dousy for you all. Praying that this week is better; may God protect you all! and your Grands are so dear!
