Monday, April 28, 2014

The First Rose

I know I have written this story before.  Probably last year.  But it always bears repeating. There is a moral.

Our youngest daughter went to Nursing School at the University of Miami.  Each May Mr. Golfer would fly to Miami, pack our daughter's car, and drive home with her for the summer.  Once you drive far enough north to connect with Interstate 20, it is then a very long drive to Texas.  However, there is a small strip along I 20 in east Texas where roses are sold by the roadside.  Not just cut roses, but roses bushes.

On this particular trip Mr. Golfer and our daughter decided to stop and purchase a rose bush for me.  A belated Mothers Day gift it was to be. They chose a bush with small orange/ coral buds.  The rose bush arrived home with them and of course I was surprised and very happy!

I was not too many years into the creation of our backyard garden and finding a place for this rose bush was easy.  A site was chosen so I could see it as I stepped out the door.  It should have been left at that.  But it wasn't.

That rose bush grew.  And it grew.  In fact it grew into the ugliest bush I have ever seen.  It has thick branches.  It has grown crooked...only in one direction....sideways.  It has thorns.  Thick thorns. produces the most gorgeous roses.  You can see that above.

The moral?  You haven't figured that out yet?


  1. every rose has thorns? appreciate what you have and gently overlook that the bush that is ugly gives beauty (actually that could be two things right there...), be thankful for the memory of the gift and how the gift is now and what it gives, all come to mind! :)

    1. Beauty often comes in forms we wouldn't expect, the good coming from the ugly. We often look at the ugly and turn away, believing there is nothing to offer. But everyone...everything has gifts to give. In my life I am reminded by this ugly bush.:)

  2. My thoughts were don't judge a book by it's cover, but I like what it speaks to you. There are always lessons to learn from the muck that happens in life.

    1. Yes Chris! That is it! The outside appearance should never be what determines worth!

  3. My climbing rose just started to bloom. I'm always amazed when the birds dig in the middle of all the thorns to build their nests!

  4. I love this, and love the message! I hope your feeling better!!
