Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Take a Walk With Me....

Did you notice?  No?  Pepper has been working behind the scenes, making little changes to the blog.  The header?....those pics are mine not the web.  Tabs moved. sidebar more efficient.  She is a genius and I can't thank her enough!!  Pepper .... I love you!

A few weeks ago I had some beds excavated.  I cannot stress again not to plant Coneflower ( Echinnacea) in a garden.  Isolate it somewhere.  It is a voracious spreader underground.  And if it comes from someone elses garden it usually brings a little weed with it that you will not find favor with.  Experience.

I have replanted several beds with herbs and one vegetable ( peppers).  Seeds have gone in three beds.  We moved the aging trellis to a bed all its own and added a litle stone seat behind it.  Mr. Golfer is not a gardener.  In fact he will tell you he hates it.  Those are the words he uses.  But he has done this for me and I love him hugely!!!

I went a litle crazy with anything terra cotta and a Sharpie.  I needed something free and accesable and cute. There.

So just take a walk with me.  Enjoy the photobomb by Atticus.  Laugh at St. Francis who has been wired together.  And love those last 3 pics of " Mother".  She is is full bloom!


  1. Everything looks so beautiful, I would love to visit your back yard garden some time! The blog changes are looking good too. Praying for you and your brother today.

    1. We will visit here in the garden! I do hope though before the heat arrives.:)

  2. I can't wait to see it all filled in---it looks wonderful!

  3. So refreshing! Did the herbs from Michigan survive? We are moving from daffodils to tulips here and the beginnings of the flowering trees. Spring is such a gift!
