Monday, May 12, 2014


:: Family
The last few years as my two youngest daughters finished college I became use to the distance.  One in Miami, the other in Chicago.  Then they came home or I should say back to Texas.  Mary, our youngest did come back to our city.  The grandchildren lured her.  I knew Caitlin would never come back.  She is my wanderer.  My Indian blood runs strong in her. But she was only 2 1/2 hours away, so I often made the drive.  But then she met someone.  Life changed and the relationship became serious.  He was moving back home because Texas wasn't good for his business.  So Sunday, Mother's Day, I said another goodbye.  This time she is headed to Montana.

:: Catholic Faith

These past few weeks I have been talking with two young men about what marriage in the Catholic Church entails.  That marrying a Catholic woman outside of the Church is not considered valid in a Catholic home, our home.  This same statement was given to me when I married my husband.  His mother wouldn't budge and neither will I .

:: Scripture/Prayer
I spent this year in a study of Matthew.  I have been going back through it with a chapter each day.  Today I am meditating on forgiveness.  Jesus is so adamant that if we do not forgive others we will not be forgiven.  That absence of forgiveness will separate us from God.  Eternally.

:: Knitting

I am still working on the Baby Drops blanket.  After all the frogging, I put tons of markers in.  I need to finish this in the next couple of weeks.  There is another waiting in the wings!

:: Drawstrings
There has been a lot of interest in the shop.  In the next couple of weeks I will be featured on 2 blogs. I'm working at a frantic pace to get the shop stocked with bags.  But I am grateful for this opportunity God has placed in my life.  He is good.

:: Garden
Spring in Texas is so short and much of the first blooms are spent.  I am still waiting on buds from the day lillies. Zinnia seeds were planted a few weeks ago and those are beginning to poke up.  I'm also keeping a good eye on the herbs I planted.  This is my first year to really venture into herbs.  Any suggestions would be appreciated.

:: Home
With summer approaching and my days of keeping grandchildren everyday coming to and end, my mind is in full gear thinking of projects.  The master bedroom will for sure be painted.  Caitlin left a lot of items here though and I am trying to find places to put them.  Closets will get cleaned in a few weeks as well. Have almost finished The Nester's new book.  It surely will put things into perspetive.

This post is a new avenue for me.  I am hoping to do this each Monday.  Maybe at some point weI will make it a linkup. Who knows!!


  1. I love to read about your family. I remember when your girls were all home way back on the 123 stitch board. I read this quote on another blog this morning, it seems fitting as you've just said "see you later" to Caitlin. "The best lesson in belonging is learned in leaving and returning."

  2. My son is marrying next year and I am eternally grateful that his fiancée came into the Church this year. I was her sponsor, and it was not easy, for either of us, but the graces will make it so worthwhile in the "life run." They will have a wonderful Catholic wedding and I so look forward to it. She says she doesn't give a fig about the reception, just the Mass. Makes my mother's heart sing!

    I have quite an herb garden and have a few tips. Put mint in containers and chives in a space of their own. They both spread like wildfire, mint through roots and chive through seeds. Rosemary is wonderful to have, as I use it a lot in cooking, and thyme and oregano are, too. They all grow easily in Ohio and I think are drought resistant. I can never get cilantro to grow, and parsley is sometimes a challenge. It might not take the Texas heat. Sage grows like a bush for me, and all of them come back after winter. I love, love fresh basil but it always seems to get a blight. I think it needs quite a bit of sun and we have quite a bit of shade! If you want to dry herbs, just put them in a paper bag and in a dry place. They will dry out and then you can crumble them and put them in jars or bags for longer keeping.

    1. I'm not sure I will get both of them into the church, but we are mKing progress on the Church weddings.
      I do know not to plant mint in the ground. That was a nightmare!,,

  3. this was fun to read, thanks! :) :)

  4. I have enjoyed your Reflecting post and look forward to many more! :)
