Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Yarn Along... and a Little Secret

~ Two of my favorite things are knitting and reading, and the evidence of this often shows up in my photographs.  I love seeing what other people are knitting and reading as well. So, what are you knitting or crocheting right now? What are you reading?

There was so much encouragement from all of you last week.  Thank you!!!  I turned the corner, I think, on the blanket and am into the home stretch.  In about 10 rows the section you see on the needles will be complete.  At that point I will lay it aside and cast on another set of stitches for the Feather and Fan.  You see, if you look at the pattern, the blanket ends after this section which is supposed to be 33" long.  I love symmetry. so I am casting on the Feather and Fan section and knitting it again to then be kitchnered onto the section I am now knitting.  Does any of that make sense?  Probably not.  If I knit the Feather and Fan without casting off, the scallops will be going the wrong way and there will be no scalloped edge when I cast off.  So complicated!!  Which is why I will never knit this blanket again!!

The rain we have had the last couple of days has forced me indoor with pictures.  I took these in my sewing room where I am spending 95% of my time.  You see, there is a little secret and you cannot tell.  I mean really, you cannot tell. :)))  Do you see that last picture?  Those are some of my bags in the Etsy shop.  Next Tuesday, Drawstrings will be featured on The Littlest Way and on May 24th our own Ginny will be featuring them here.  Shhhhhh!!!!!!  So I am sewing like a mad woman.  There is background work on Ravelry for me as well!

I am almost finished with Jennifer's book.  It has been an easy read and I have enjoyed the way she has posed and explain some of the areas of Catholocism.  I find it hard to write about my faith, so I understand her grappling with some of the issue.  It just proves a point I am always reinforcing in my children.. the Catholic Mass is Holy and Sacred.  It is not of this world and it is not supposed to be.

Linking up today with Ginny! Looking forward to seeing what you are up too!


  1. Your knitting work looks beautiful, the color, the stitches, I really like it!

  2. yay that the blanket is almost done! now that is some happy secrets! so glad for you! I love your bags!!! :) mine is one happy bag with my sunshine blanket inside! :)

  3. The blanket is amazing and those beautiful little bags are a delight.

  4. I am so happy for you that your bags are going like wildfire! Keep sewing like a madwoman, because you will be flooded with orders :) I totally get what you are saying about that blanket. And I will never knit that pattern based on your opinions. I must say though that the blanket is beautiful and striking!!

    1. I'm hoping all works well! So glad someone understood!

  5. What a gorgeous blanket! I think I understand what you mean by the scallops going the wrong way. I like having things symmetrical too...the original looks unbalanced to me.

    Your drawstring bags are SO pretty! I will add some to my favorites...I'm always needing project bags for my knitting! :)

    Happy knitting!

    1. During both giveaways the bags will be 15% off. A great time to try one out!

  6. That blanket does seem a bit complicated. Glad you figured it out because it is so beautiful!

  7. How exciting about your little secret! :) Love the blanket and the bags and wish you happy knitting and sewing! ~Lisa

  8. What a stunning blanket! And how exciting to have your creations featured by Ginny!

  9. The yarn looks so soft!!! What a lovely blanket to cuddle up in.
