Monday, July 14, 2014


After the first two comments this morning I decided to go in and edit to add this picture.  Mr. Golfer is in the solid shirt and our dear friend in the print shirt.  The conversation must have been so funny!:)))

He is home and all is right with the world!  You would think after 8 years of taking these trips I would not be so antsy when he is gone, but I just don't like being alone.  Really alone.

I spent much of the time working on the latest blanket and watching a series I have been sucked into.  Netflix got me hooked on Monarch of the Glen and I am into season 4 already. I sat at either the computer or my iPad and knit.  Not too bad for the hot days we have had, but I should have been working on other things.  On a good note... I may have knit a blanket faster than ever.  Just a week into it and I have 3 color repeats to go and done!  Amazing!

I am laying out a calendar on the counter again in hopes that Mr. Golfer and I can coordinate the next few months.  Isn't it true that busyness comes in waves.  We have 3 weddings and a trip coming up that need to be coordinated.  Two of those weddings are out of town and one right in the center of a 6 day driving trip. Since I am the only one who coordinates digitally, I thought having the paper counterpart might help the other half?

I finally cut some mums from the garden.  The heat has been insufferable the last few days.  Even the heat loving plants were drooping. These ladies will just keep producing through the fall and I will see volunteers next years as well.

Mr. Golfer came through with yarn from Santa Fe.  A local dyer provides her brand to Yarn and Coffee.  Of course, not knowing the least bit about yarn, Mr. Golfer was able to identify items I knit and that helped the owner choose yarn.  I was quite impressed as he told the story. :))

Today is back to reality.  Wedding bags to complete, my car in the shop, and cooking for more than one!


  1. I love picturing Mr. Golfer walking into a yarn store to choose a gift for you. You are a blessed woman!

  2. oh, that is so nice of Mr. Golfer! what a thoughtful thing to do! We are blessed to have such good husbands! Glad he is home safe and sound! :)))))) and good work on the blanket! I hear you about coordinating things... our calendars are just chalked full in the next months too!

  3. Mr. Golfer is wonderful, I just love that photo of him and his fellow golfer checking out yarn!
