Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Yarn Along

First I must apologize for being so absent.  From here and other blogs in Yarn Along.  Wednesday mornings I am in bible study and have a short break before I do grandchildren carpool.  So hopping on to all the blogs is hit and miss.  It takes me a few days to be able to make the rounds.

These last two weeks have been consumed with wedding planning and the sewing is about to commence.  You see I am making the four flower girl dresses.  Yes, four.  All the little nieces will be walking down the aisle ahead of the bride.  Such a sweet site.  This is the first time one of my daughters has married and  her sister's children will be in the wedding.  A new memory:)

The ceremony music is in place.  Because we have experience with music, the daughters have had special pieces they prefer.  This youngest is particularly choosy. But it is going to be gorgeous and meaningful and sacramental.

Secret knitting is moving along.  I'm having thoughts on a giveaway at the end of this.  Of course not the knitting, but maybe a bag?

No reading this week.  I have fallen into bed each night exhausted.  Netflix has been my friend.

Linking up with  Ginny!


  1. Whatever your knitting is it looks beautiful. It sounds like you are really busy but with exciting things. Congrats on your daughters wedding. I'm sure it will be beautiful!

  2. I do hope you post a photo or two of the wedding, I would love to see it, I know it's going to be beautiful! How blessed you are to have your grands so close, I miss my one.

    1. Oh yes Tracy! There will be plenty of pictures! But we have 7 1/2 months to go:))

  3. wow, four dresses! that is quite a task but I'm sure you will be in your happy place. My two haven't picked readings or music yet, I think that is later on in the next couple of months. Have fun, I love that you are close with your family :)

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Thank you Elizabeth for catching the auto correct! Karen we haven't chosen our readings yet but that is soon to come.

    3. no worries! that autocorrect gets me every time... :)

  4. Stopping by from Yarn Along. Your sewing four flower girl dresses, knitting, taking care of grandchildren, and also keeping up with the daily life tasks?
    I would fall into bed exhausted too!

  5. You are busy! I would love to see the flower girl dresses - I'm sure they will be beautiful.

  6. Sounds like you are going to be busy. Your knitting project looks lovely.

  7. You are really busy - WOW! I like being busy - I love falling into bed after a busy day and letting sleep engulf me.
    Your knitting looks great, I look forward to seeing what it is :)

  8. Good luck with the flower girls dresses!

  9. oh that will be so very beautiful!!! :))) yay for secret knitting. Whew, how exhausting is wedding planning. Sounds like it will be a very lovely wedding!!! and those flower girls with dresses, oh how exciting! God bless you all in this!!!

  10. FOUR???!!!!????? Girlfriend, are you CRAZY???? (Ok, you may not be. Your sewing skills are amazing. I get hives just thinking of my sewing machine attempting such work!!!!!!) What happy days you have ahead of you!!!!!!

  11. Lovely knitting! Wow, four dresses...that is amazing!

  12. Your knitting looks beautiful - soft, fluffy, delicate.
    Four dresses! That's a big task. It will be a beautiful day seeing all those lovely girls in your own creations :-)

  13. Busy as a bee you are! Enjoy the wedding sewing and planning and all the rest... and even the sewing of those dresses. I sewed the bridesmaid and flowergirl dresses for my own wedding years ago which was a labor of love as I'm sure your sewing will be. xo Lisa

  14. You seem quite busy! I admire you for making 4 flower girl dresses, I can barely sew! The wedding sounds beautiful I can't wait to see pictures of this special day. :)
