Friday, April 10, 2020

Good Friday

Living the Lectionary  reminds us that, “today we begin the silent vigil into Holy Saturday, we genuflect the holy cross…”.  I venture to say that most of us began that vigil weeks ago when life as we knew it changed.  The days have been quiet here.  No coming and going, no giggles from the grandchildren, the streets stilled.  Days now filled with reading, writing and walking.

I’ve read online from many that they will be glad when life returns to normal.  If you want to return to where you were before, then there is little understanding of this “good Friday.” 

This is a dying time; a deep pruning, the weeds being pulled.  Walking through the valleys and often being surprised by the darkness. Death is never its own end.  It is a foretaste of something better. We are not meant to return to where we were.  We are meant to come out of this with new light, an Easter people! 

When we again can step out our doors. When we can return to the sacraments with Joy! Look for newness, not the old, and let Alleluia be the song!

1 comment:

  1. Love this. We are made new every morning, images of death and Resurrection every day. Alleluia!
