Thursday, April 9, 2020

Holy Thursday

This year my husband and I, you and yours, and others all over the world will remember these Triduum days alone.  Today, this feast of friends and the feast of freedom that is usually heard as community, we now share just as husband and wife within our home.  We read the story of the Exodus, the liberation from death and bondage. Just as blood was spread on the doorposts to protect them from the angel of death, we placed the picture of Divine Mercy on ours. 

Jerry and I will receive a spiritual communion, but it is the washing of the feet that we will reenact in our home liturgy.  The Gospel of John is alone in mentioning it, but Jesus implores us all to remember.  Deacon Greg Kandra writes, "In other words: remember what I have done. And do this, too, in remembrance of me.  We are people of remembrance.”  Neither Jerry or I have ever had our feet washed during the Mass on Holy Thursday, so for the first time we do this to each other.  We make covenant, again. 

We are attuned in these precarious times to love and service, the true meaning of the foot washing.  Never have we been drawn so close to this sacrifice as we are now in isolation.

 We will all remember the Holy Thursday of 2020. May the God of Mercy be with us.


  1. Thank you Wanda for these inspiring words. I will keep you both in my prayers. Miss yall so much.
