Thursday, April 4, 2013

{ pretty, happy, funny, real}

Linking up today with Like mother like daughter.  Love this chance each week to throw in some little bits of life!


These graced our Easter table and I just thought they were lovely.  I have such a weakness for beautiful flowers!


I just contnue to be so excited that I was able to make this lamb cake work!  I inherited the cake mold after my mother in law passed, and it has taken me years to figure out how to make the head stay on!  This year I did it and it was good cake!!!

No funny this week, but these are so real!  This Lady Banks Rose bush sits out my dining room window.  I look forward every spring to being able to  relish in it's blooms!
Not the most interesting post this week, but it is dreary here and I am just tired.  Easter preparations really took it's toll on me. I drive 30 miles 4 days a week to care for my grandchildren which means I am up very early!  Not complaining, just tired!


  1. Your Lamb cake is beautiful! I have the same cake mold (and problem with the head) year I skewered a chopstick right down the middle and patched the top with frosting. No one was the wiser and the cake was fortified! :o)

    1. Ha ha! I put toothpicks in the ears prior to putting it in the oven. Then let it cool for hours before I stood him up.

  2. The lamb cake is darling, I also have that mold and have had trouble with the head. I never thought of toothpicks, very clever!
    I have a friend with a Lady Banks Rose bush and it is beautiful. We just put in a Lowell Thomas but I think Lady Banks will be next!

    1. It works! I added you to my sidebar! I'm just really getting started with this, but am having fun!
      Thanks for replying!

  3. Lamb cakes are indeed tricky. We have a mold but I didn't have time to try this year. There is a lady at my church who has been doing them for decades and hence she is the go-to person for lamb cakes! The recipe she uses is amazing, too.

    That is so great you drive the 30 minutes to help care for your grandkids. My mom drives about that, although not four days a week. She is more or less "on call" if I need her or if we just want her over to visit. I actually did need her this week because I had a bad reaction to some new migraine medication and thankfully she was able to zip over here and help me. It's a HUGE blessing for my kids and me. God bless you for being that to your own.
