Saturday, August 10, 2013


Thank you for the kind words, prayers and genuine thoughtfulness.  I am home as of last night.  It took a while to get all the tests completed and then recover from a reaction to the MRI dye.  I told the tech I don't handle dyes well and her response was," no one has ever reacted to this dye."  Well, the lesson to her is,". LISTEN TO YOUR PATIENTS!"  Yes, I was banging on the machine wall trying to get their attention! And my IV infiltrated at that moment as well, so dye is running into my tissue.

Thank goodness my oldest and youngest daughters were there.  They were able to not only keep me under control, but get the help I needed.  Praise God for both of them!

The conclusion is an undetermined TIA.  I have no risk factors for it and every organ in my body has been scanned and viewed without showing any cause.  In other words...a very expensive physical!

I am trying to pull the last of the baby shower together for tomorrow, so Week Ending will most likely post late.  But it will be here!


  1. I'm so glad your home, and am praying for you!

  2. What an ordeal. I'm glad you are home, though. Take it easy and try not to overdo. Have fun at the shower.

    1. Didn't you know that " overdue" is my middle name! :)))

  3. I'm so sorry you had to go through this! The good news, of course, is that all is now well----and you have had a thorough check-up----but so so scary! Will keep you in our prayers.

  4. I tried replying to your email the morning I received it, and it came back with "receiver unavailable." I'll say you were unavailable!! Thank goodness you made it through all of that. You definitely had my prayers. And I know exactly what you mean about people needing to listen to their patients. When our daughter recently had her wisdom teeth out I told them she was allergic to Lydocaine. Well, they used it anyway, and the poor girl broke out in a big rash, just like I told them she would.
    p.s. The baby shower looked FABULOUS! (and delicious too!)
