Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Yarn Along

~ Two of my favorite things are knitting and reading, and the evidence of this often shows up in my photographs.  I love seeing what other people are knitting and reading as well. So, what are you knitting or crocheting right now? What are you reading?

I first want to thank those that have responded to my grief this past week.  We have not had a "death" so to speak, but a loss has occurred. It has hit me terribly and at some point I will be able to form words, but for now I just ask for prayer.  A blogger I did not know until I posted on another site emailed me a link to this novena.  I had never heard of our Blessed Mother referred to as the Undoer of Knots.  This prayer hit me hard, but I am confident this is where I will find healing.

I am making good progress on my niece's blanket.  The rhythm seems to calm my frazzled heart.  This is Purl Dreams using Bly Sky Worsted Cotton.  And yes, I did change the pattern from last week.  I dont like purling back long rows and this blanket knit in the round to make the square relieves me of the purling.  Ingenious!  Thank you EZ!

Willa Cather has been discussed on several sites lately so I checked out what my library had to offer along with a couple of new knitting books.  Tuesday is my library day and I always come home with a stack.

Today the windows in this 45 year old house are being cleaned for the first time!  We have been here 25 1/2 years and have never had them done and I know they were not cleaned prior to that.  I wish I had the energy to take some other pictures now that the sun is out, but just take my word for it... they are beautiful.  These men took off all the storm windows and cleaned every pane.  The secret?  Dawn detergent and hot water!

Joining Ginny and all the others!


  1. May God have mercy. Grief is hard but the Mother of God is with us in our sorrows. (I like this prayer service myself: http://www.angelfire.com/planet/parastos/akathistjoyofall.html )

  2. Of course I will say prayers for you and hope you find peace.

    Your knitting is very pretty, I love the color and it looks so soft.

  3. Love love Willa Cather, read them all. You just read My Antonio.

  4. Joining Tracey in prayer and agree that the colorway you're knitting with is so soft looking. :)

  5. I have yet to read Willa Cather but I own two of her books in my to read pile, your niece is going to love that beautiful knit!!

  6. Hi Wanda, I gave you a blogging award today!!!
