Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Yarn Along

~ Two of my favorite things are knitting and reading, and the evidence of this often shows up in my photographs.  I love seeing what other people are knitting and reading as well. So, what are you knitting or crocheting right now? What are you reading?

I am about 3/4 of the way through the 4th skein of Blue Sky Worsted Cotton which means I should be starting the ruffle soon on the Purl Dreams blanket.  I am going to create a diferent edging than what the pattern calls for.  Of course?!  When do we ever follow a strict patterm?  The mother to be wants ruffly, so she will get ruffly!
Thank goodness for lifelines!  I had put one in the Whipporwill Shawl as I completed the last pattern row before beginning the edging.  All the M1's being knit during the finale of Downton Abbey was not a good idea!  So I had to rip out 2 rows and recount that last pattern row of 403 stitches!  But all is correct now, so I should be able to add the contrasting color.

My reading is all over the place.  I am on such a quest to learn, understand, explain ,and be a dynamic Catholic.  I have books of all sorts open and maked.  I seen to read parts of one one night and move to another the next.  All while studying the book of Matthew.  I think I will begin another novena aimed at calming my mind and asking for a specific direction.

Anxious to see what is on everyone's needles, so I am linking up with Ginny at Small Things.


  1. It is a beautiful blanket Wanda and I think with ruffles it will be stunning.
    I love your quest, it sounds like a perfect one.

  2. The blue and the orange is going to look awesome together. That is a great color combination. And who really follows a pattern? I know I rarely do!!

  3. love your knitting as always; have you read Flannery O'Connor's letters? when you get about 1/3rd into them she starts writing a lot about her views and commitment to the Catholic church; while I am Orthodox (as opposed to Catholic) I have a lot of dearly valued friends who are Catholic and I respect their journey and faith; F. O'Connor is a writer whose letters I am growing in esteem daily....

    your knitting is so lovely! you make the most beautiful blankets!

  4. It all looks beautiful. I am just learning to knit and wish all of you ladies lived next door to such inspiration!

  5. Beautiful knitting. I didn't know about lifelines and have checked out some videos and info for them. I may use them when I knit again.

  6. yummy knits!!! and ruffles!!! (all those extra stitches....all that extra love going into the blanket!!!)
