Thursday, April 9, 2015

A Yellow Garden

I've  always known I loved yellow.  Our first house was decorated in greens and yellows.  Somewhere in the years, blues came to be my favorites, but yellow has never strayed far.  Since blues are not found often in the garden, that must be why I tend to have so many of my faithful yellows.  Not to mention their glorious glow in the sunlight!

Then there is the green foliage. Lambs ear that is so soft. And this year the lavender has bloomed for the first time! I'm going to need to learn how to make my own sachets. We moved the iris last year from the back garden. Divided all the bulbs and replanted and this year they are the tallest they have ever been. Some of those up over 3 feet tall. 

And the peonies! My beautiful ever loving peonies. They are not supposed to grow well in the south but I must have found the magic touch. Of course it doesn't hurt that they get their own bags of ice every week during the winter. In the next few weeks he will be inundated with PNE pictures as they burst forth

So enjoy a little stroll:)

1 comment:

  1. Love, love, love living in your garden until mine wakes up!
