Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Yarn Along in the Garden

~ Two of my favorite things are knitting and reading, and the evidence of this often shows up in my photographs.  I love seeing what other people are knitting and reading as well. So, what are you knitting or crocheting right now? What are you reading? 

It is sad to not be in love with something you knit.  Especially when it is for a wee one.  But this pattern is giving me fits.  Even with stitch markers and extra counting.  I am going to say it is the back pain.  yes, let's just say it is the back pain.  The center section is to be 25".  It will not be 25"  My knitting group has helped me make adjustments as to how this all will end.  I hope by next week I am close.  There are two more blankets to knit by Septempber!

Today at morning coffee with two of my dear friends, we were discussing The Little Oratory  by  our own Aunt Leila.  Our host, who is also reading the book, pulled this copy of Hallowed This House from her shelf.  Copyright is late '70's but the message is near and dear.  Room by room he explains the eucharistic meaning and value of the family and home.  Both of these books, side by side, are infusing in me what the spirit of my home eminates.  Every aspect of what happens in these walls is by its nature holy and we are to take that holiness with us into the world.  Deep.

Mad Tosh is closing out all there fabrics .  Check over at Drawstrings !

Linking up with Ginny !


  1. sorry that the pattern isn't a relaxing fun knit. I think that is what I enjoy most about the knitting, the ease of the project. Hopefully the last two blankets will be a breeze. Your blanket is beautiful!!

    1. It has been a challenge, but I pushing through! :))))

  2. I'm sorry you aren't loving your knitting, it's really pretty though.

    PS- I have a bracelet headed your way soon. Work has been crazy for my Mike and I need his help in making them, but soon.

  3. I've been there with a pattern, for sure... but it's beautiful!

  4. So sorry your pattern isn't working. It is quite pretty despite that fact.

  5. Despite the back pain, your blanket is very beautiful. It looks warm and cuddly!
