Thursday, May 1, 2014


~ Capturing the context of contentment in everyday life ~


There is much to see in the garden this time of year.  The temps are fluctuating and we still have some cool mornings, but in this part of the country we enjoy these few weeks.  By the end of May it is likely we could already be feeling 100 temps.  This rose bush and the back garden peonies have become show stoppers!


Luke is the youngest grandchild and he is just always happy.  Such an easy going baby.  Just a joy to have each day.  Evelyn is the next oldest in this family of my oldest daughter.  She is home with me each day as well.  Today we went to bible study and she always gets to choose a dres to wear.  She loves the dresses I smocked for her mommy and aunts many years ago.  Today she wore Cinderella or in Evelyn's words...." bippity, boppity, boo". :))


Luke has the pose down don't you think? Evelyn has concord buckling her own seat belt and is so proud!  What a serious look.


I wanted to use this space to update you on my back.  So many of you have prayed and sent me messages of support.  Those little uplifting notes have meant so much.
I saw the PT yesterday for the first time and after an intense time of poking and raising legs and standing against walls she diagnosed the issue.  The L4/L5 is compressed and the S1 was out of joint and rotated.  She put S1 back in its place, ( you can all gasp right here.  I screamed.) and until my next appt. I have a series of movements to do twice daily.  She assured me this was fixable.  No surgery if I am a good girl.  I will be a VERY good girl.  This will, though, mean a change to my daily living.  I am doing my best to get through the end of May with helping my oldest daughter.  After that my number of days doing what I do now will have to change.  There are so many parts of getting older I do not like, but I lift this up to God and thank him for an outcome that is somewhat in my control.

Linking up with Aunt Leila today an devery Thursday!


  1. Darling grandchildren, and that Cinderella dress...I would have picked it, too.

    Those roses are just stunning. What is their name? I just planted two New Day bushes a friend brought in memory of my grandma, along with some Forget-me-nots from her garden which I planted in a bed in front of my Marian wayside shrine. It's still too cool here to get any growth, but I can't wait to see a rose! I've always deferred to knock-outs because I'm not very good with real roses.

    You back problem is exactly what I have. Have you ever seen sketches of the SI joint? It's no wonder it does not tolerate much movement. I have suspected for a long time that getting in and out of the car aggravates it. It's just not a natural motion for our bodies. On days when I do a lot of running around my back always pays! I recently did a week of corticosteroids and it did wonders. Then my doctor put me on celebrex and I was pain-free for the first time in a really long time. Of course then I had a serious side effect and had to go off. I am hoping to try one more time to make sure the side effect (peripheral edema) was really from the medication -- it was that good that I'd try it again. I hope the PT gives you some relief. You gotta keep doing the exercises though. Did your PT give you the recipe for ice packs? 3 parts water and 1 part rubbing alcohols in a zipper bag inside another zipper bag. You might need it while you're in therapy.

    (Sorry to go on so long).
    Happy May Day!

    1. I wish I knew the name of the roses. These are the ones I wrote about a couple of days ago. I guess I tossed the tag because I can't find it.
      I too tried Celebrex years ago for my Fivromyalgia and it did indeed work for a while until I had cardiac problems. I have the ice packs as well. The Chiro had given me some and they are wonderful in the evenings!
      Yes this picking up of little ones requires vending in that joint almost all day!

  2. God is in everything; it is hard to get older; I am still young; 37; but things change in health and I too am aware of it; God give you peace! Candle lit for you!

    1. Yes things chNge and often you don't know until you are there! Prayers are always appreciated!!!!

  3. You are such an amazing Grandma and mother - I'm in awe of that little smocked dress and your clear love of those sweet grand babies.
    I'm still praying about your back, I'm glad surgery won't be necessary!

  4. What a beautiful dress and adorable grandchildren! So glad to hear that you will not need surgery. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers!
