Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Prune, Plant, and Pull

Having been away for 3 days and then jumping into Grandmother mode yesterday, there was much to be done this morning. A good night sleep energized me to pop out fairly early and prune, plant, and pull!  Could that be another link up title?

I am making progress with the button for the Week Ending link up.  Or I should say, my daughter Julia is.  The spot is on the right side.  That is a practice picture, but it will take you to the posts.  The trouble is getting the code to stay in the box.  Any help would be welcome!

These beauties will produce all summer!  Just cannot get enough!

The first blooms from the Cecil Brunner. These are tiny roses that vine although mine has been left to shrub since the tree it was trellising up is now history.

My "mother" continues to produce.  These are the sweetest little roses.

These are the peonies in the back garden.  I expect to see them open this week. Most are white, but a few pale pink are in the group as well.

Miss Sarah Bernhardt in the front bed is a showstopper!  Her time is coming to and end. so I spend as much time out there as I can.  I wish I could rid the blooms of the little bugs they need to  open.  Bringing the inside is a mess.

The Mandevilla that my youngest daughter and her "guy" brought me back from Fredericksburg.



These were my oldest daughter's wedding roses.  I think I have mentioned that before.  They sit along the driveway and if I don't keep them pruned, it is hard to get in and out of the car.

Today's harvest.

I pulled these back off the shelf.  Catholic Traditions in the Garden is a book I continue to read and research.  Dedicating my garden or parts of it to my faith is an ongoing desire.  The pruning and pulling that happened this morning is the beginning of that process.  Tottering in my Garden is a book I read every spring!  Just a cute, fast, read about funny experiences in the garden.  If you like to move plants around then this is for you!

On our trip this past weekend I was gifted with this beautiful Japanese Maple.  I had been given one several years ago by Mr. Golfer for our anniversary.  I planted it in the wrong space and it eventually died.  This one has gone out front to receive different light and drainage.  Because it is actually under the umbrella of a massive live oak I am praying it provides that texture and color along the walk from the driveway to the front door.  Do any of you name your plants?  I don't, but this one came with the name of Oliver. 

Getting ready for Yarn Along tomorrow.  Their are knitting baths happening here today as well!


  1. Glad to see Oliver II in his new home. What in the world are "knitting baths"??? "There are...

    1. When a project is complete it needs to be washed in order to remove all the oils that accumulated from your hands. Thus....a knitting bath.

  2. Thanks for all the photos of roses and peonies. Since I live in a place where they are either rare (roses) or nonexistent (peonies) I look forward to your photos to get my fix of northern flowers.
