Saturday, April 13, 2013



It has been a week of firsts and new tries.  I have tested my patience, drawn experience out of the cobwebs, and discovered strength I thought was long gone.  Wheww!
The week began with a trip my second daughter had to take for business that left me caring for the baby 24/7.  She is a doll ( both baby nd daughter).  I have Rachel 4 days a week, but not overnight like this last week.  But, in addition to that, I still had the other 2 granddaughters to care for during the day.  Daughter Julia had to go to a small town northwest of here to audit a client, so the baby and I joined her for an overnight. While there, I finished the blanket I was working on for the next grandchild! The Wildcatter Ranch ( I wrote about in a previous post) was lovely, but the temps plumeted while I was there, so we had to make a quick escape home.
I kept the other 2 granddaughters at my house the night I returned just to not have to rise at 5 am the next morning,  It was still chilly outside, so it was a day playing with ponies and cats!  They love coming to Grandmother's house because of the doll house.  But now we have My Little Ponies living in the doll house! My youngest daughter, Mary, brought us all lunch that day!  Thank you sweetie!
Toward the end of the week, arrangements for my grandson changed, so I took that on as well.  Patrick is the oldest (3 1/2) and I don't see him as often because his other grandma watches him.  But I was fortunate to get to have him on Friday.  It was a preschool day for him, so my oldest daughter and I switched cars and reaaranged car seats.  I have not loaded this many children in a car alone in 25 years!  But, as you can see, I was successful! And slurpies for all on the return trip!
I am spending the weekend resting.  I need to tend to the garden, fill the pantry and refrigerator, and soothe my soul ( and back).  I would not trade this week for anything.  Loving these little ones is God's gift to me!
Have a great weekend. ( there is a new shawl on the needles that I will share Wednesday!)


  1. wow, that is quite the week! but God got you through it! hope this weekend is a strengthening rest for you!

  2. Great job, Grandma!!!! (really makes you understand why they say raising kids is for the young!!! young at heart, though, works, too!!!!!!)
