I arrived home a little earlier than usual yesterday and took the time to use the camera in the afternoon light. Lighting in my home is always an issue, The wonderful north facing windows just don't exist. The harsh south facing light is in abundance. Sigh.
That coffee machine holds a prime place of importance in the kitchen. So much so that it gets its own
decor. Little containers that hold special memories. Family silver used daily now. Why not? My favored pumpkin spice coffee.
Close by is a study spot. I love the time I can sit at this table reading God's Word and watching my beloved birds. The study of Moses this year is a repeat for me, but each time I read these first books I see and understand new truths. That bag was a find in Canada last year. Little balls of yarn tumbling around.
I was able to find a day when my back was cooperating to clean out a flower bed. You might remember this post where I showed the pictures of my Obedience Plants that were struggling in the heat. As much as I wanted to preserve this inherited plant, the climate in that spot has changed and it just wasn't good any longer. Out they all came. I'll wait until next spring to decide what to replace them with. But other plants are doing well. The cooling of temps here has helped.
I have struggled with cooking and menu planning all my adult life. I am really not a good cook. During the years I worked and the girls were growing up, Mr. Golfer did the cooking and grocery shopping and I handled the homework, laundry and general daughter drama. It was a good system for us and there are many family memories of daddy in the kitchen. But when retirement came along, that whole cooking thing fell into my lap. Struggling, I finally am going to succumb to the meal planning calendar. Yes, I am coming to this late. I do though have a nice shelf of cookbooks and one of my favorites is this Southern Living copy. I printed out a blank calendar page and began filling in the spaces. We eat out with our friends on Friday so that is a blank. Tuesdays are my knitting day, so we often do breakfast for dinner and on some Sundays as well. Thursdays have become leftover days in order to clean out the refrigerator before shopping day. We will see if it works.
I received some new fabrics for Drawstrings yesterday! I will preview it tomorrow on Yarn Along. Ginny will be featuring the shop for a giveaway during October and you won't want to miss the bag!

i love your creamer sugar SO very much.