Friday, February 13, 2015

Yucky! Yucky

This time of year is always tough physically for me.  Here in North Texas our weather is like a revolving door.  Freezing temps become 7o's the next day.  For about a month now this has been the case and I watched many around me fall victim to flus and allergies.

Monday I woke up with a sore throat and felt strongly it was allergy related.  By Wednesday it wasn't better so I went yesterday to get a steroid shot as I had begun to feel that pressure under my eyes.  This is what I do twice a year on a pretty regular basis.....allergies.  In fact you can almost set me an appt. to the day if you look in my medical chart.:(((

When I get a shot I go as early in the day as possible as I know it will wire me for hours.  I couldn't get in yesterday until 10:00 am so subsequently I was up until 3:30 this morning.  I had taks that needed to be taken care of today so I puched on, but by 3pm this afternoon I collapsed on the bed and went to sleep.  Three hours later I have woken up with a mild fever.

I have sent Mr. Golfer off to pick up NyQuil and the antibiotic on hold from yesterday. I've got all the home remedies here as well and I will be well pampered.

Thank you all for the tremendous response to the raffle!  It should never amaze me of the goodness in people.  Even with all the negative we hear I believe strongly that there is compassion and love prevailing in this world.

And one more thing before I succumbed to my bed.  See that bag up t here?  I have ordered this sock fabric for a large order, but think that many sock knitters may want some.  I'm going to take a little poll here before I order.  Let me know if you think you might want a bag.

Night! Night!