Sunday, June 23, 2013

Week Ending Vol 10

~ capturing the weekend in pictures Friday through Monday

Re-inventing Mother
This has been a quiet weekend. I did a little painting and enjoyed the garden.

I painted this rocker.  It had been a pickled finish and just seem to blend in with the room.  I used Rustoleum's Lagoon Blue.  It took 2 cans and about 30 minutes.

The only really unusual event of the weekend was this little bunny that Atticus brought in the house.  He made it only as far as the 1/2 bath just inside the laundry room.  Mr. Golfer discovered it and rescued him to the outdoors.  Sadly enough, the next day I found him laying at the back door....headless.  Atticus had apparently found him and had a nice snack.  :(
I am taking a little overnight trip to Austin tomorrow.  Daughter # 3 needs my presence and I always oblige when needed.  It's a mother's job, isn't it?
Please join us in the link up showing us your weekend in pictures. And please grab the button to place on your sidebar!
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Rules are as follows:
(1)  Pictures you post are up to you!
(2) Please put a link in that post back to this post
(3) Optional: grab the button at the top right corner and put it in your post



  1. I saw a bunny in our back yard a few weeks ago, but he must have moved somewhere else. Your garden flowers are really pretty, and I like what you did with the chair.

    1. We seem to have them everywhere right now! Unusual in the city.
